Kids Say the Darndest Things!

When you teach six-year-olds you hear some pretty funny things. Here is a compilation of their profound (and not so profound) words!

another great comment from one of my first graders while walking back from lunch today..
*student places her hand on my stomach right as I exhale* "Teacher! You are going to have a baby!"
Me: "What?!? No!"
Student: "Teacher you have a baby in you!"
Mind you this is the same student who a couple of days ago demanded to know why I didn't have a boyfriend yet. She asks this about once a month...

As a result of being sick for a month straight, my eyes apparently looked a little red this afternoon. When I picked my students up from music one of my kids asked "Teacher, are you sad?" And then another one chimed in and said "Yeah why are you crying?" This turned into us having a debate in the middle of the hall as to whether or not I was crying (which I wasn't) and ended with one of my students authoritatively declaring "It's 19 to 1. You're crying." By the end of the debate I was crying but only because they made me laugh so hard! 

I started losing my voice while teaching today. One of my students walked up to me during writing and said "I am going to do everything you say so you don't have to talk as much and your voice won't go away. Also, you should eat an orange with your lunch."

10/ 28/14
Today one of my students was looking at my ID badge and said "Look! Little Miss Thatcher is happy!" Then she looked up at me and said "Look! Big Miss Thatcher is happy today too!"

Me: Tomorrow is Pirate day and I am going to go to Krispy Kreme to get free donuts
Girl 1: Well you have to ask your mom first
Me: My mom doesn't live here
Girl 1: Well then ask your dad
Me: He doesn't live here either
Girl 1: Who do you live with then?!
Me: I live by myself
Girl 1: I am going to live with my mom forever!
Girl 2: My mom is NEVER going to die!

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